Thursday, July 9, 2009


I came home from work last night and was wandering around the front yard, looking at our Thuja planting, when I saw they were infested with mealybugs. I hopped in the goth mobile and headed to The Big Orange Box and bought a bottle of insecticidal soap, came home and gave them a good spraying. They look clean today, but I guess I'll have to keep an eye on them to make sure.
Other than that, everything is still growing like crazy, it's been a cool, wet summer so far, but everything loves it. How's your garden growing?

sow what you will...


Monday, July 6, 2009

finished, for the most part...

here, without much commentary, are the during and after shots of the new living room book shelves. still have one to complete over the bay window in the south wall, need to design some abbreviated height brackets to accomplish that, so it's on the back burner for a week while I wind down a bit.
Once the mantle, bookcase set in over the mantle, new door and interior shutters are complete, I'll post the whole set of before and after pix...

(click on any to enlarge)

They do encircle the room, but I don't want to post pictures yet until the bay window section is complete and the bookcase/mantel thing is done.

This is why I'm always beat...

sow what you will...
