What a perfect day to pick up on Tilling By Moonlight! I was out at the crack of dawn cleaning the yard after the storms of last weekend. I also pruned a lot of trees, cleaned and trimmed the ivy beds in the front yard, and, at 1:30, the equinox, I went around and whacked all the trees with a rolled up newspaper to wake the up from their winter slumber and get them growing!
It's a beautiful here on the grounds of Stately Sad Old Goth Manor, all the spring bulbs are popping up and, a little surprise on the East side of the grim old pile under the hemlock trees, a crop of Snow Drops! I have no idea where they came from, I didn't plant them, but there they are.

I'll take it as a sign from Mother Earth that beautiful surprises are in order this coming year.
Well, back to the tasks at hand, I've got hours of cleaning up to do now.
Welcome back, my fellow wanderers!

Labels: kickin' clods..., seasons...