I finally received the two replacement Thuja trees I needed for the hedgerow on the Eastern front of the house, so I could pull out the two dead ones that were run over my persons unknown and plant new ones before it got too late in the season. (getting them is a whole 'nother post). We've been fretting that the ones I planted in the spring didn't seem to be growing very much, especially after how these trees are supposed to almost double in size every year. I guess it's like anything else, if you see it every day, you don't notice the changes that happen gradually. The new plantings are half the size of the old ones. And the old ones are twice as bushy. Amazing. If they keep growing at this rate, we'll have a six foot wall of green across the front of the property in three years. Impressive.
I also planted six mums in front of the kitchen garden, so you can see them when you come up the back walk. Pictures of both tomorrow, I was too tired to take any, since I decided to rake the yard after I got done planting.
It never ends.
sow what you will...

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