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11:00 AM -
clouds are now covering the sky, with low-lying tropical looking ones in the Southwest.
Only an occasional breeze right now, enough to cause the smaller tree branches to sway a bit and the poplar trees are shedding their leaves at the slightest zephyr. It gets really bright for a few seconds once in a while, but then the gap in the clouds is filled and it gets dull outside again. The humidity is nuts, everything in the house feels sticky, even with the air on and outside it's like trying to breath through a wet sponge...
12:08 PM -
A steady, freshening breeze has come up, everything outside is in motion. No rain yet, I'm sure we'll start seeing some soon, but the weather radars are showing the worst of it to the West right now. Maybe we'll dodge the big bullet, but we've a long way to go before she moves completely through.
The cattails back by the brook...
Tiger The Weather Cat remains unimpressed...
1:00 PM -
It's gotten eerily still outside and very bright... and, just as I'm writing this, the breeze is back a bit stronger than before, but it's still pretty bright. I'm going to go outside and walk around the woods out back a bit...
While I was out back, we had a light rain squall carried on some pretty gusty breezes... this does not bode well, me thinks.
2:00 PM -
A steady, light shower now, with a steady light breeze. The temperature has picked up, too and the humidity is oppressive...
The local radar shows some pretty heavy rains in South Jersey, but it looks like that band might track off to the West of us, with any luck.
More later...
3:20 PM -
Just had a band of soaking rain move through that lasted about fifteen minutes, with a pretty good Easterly wind behind it. It's now a moderate steady rain, but some swirling gusts that are driving it from the East, then the West, then the South, but mostly from the East right now. Some light ponding in the low spots in the yard already, but nothing more than what we'd see during a Summer thundershower. I'm glad I cleaned out the gutters yesterday after work, though.
The wind just picked up from the Southeast, some pretty healthy gusts that have the poplars waving around a bit. They seem to come and go, no sustained winds for now. Looks like this band is going to move through in about an hour, then a little break and then another, according to the radar. The next band should precede the passing of the eye of system, which is moving quickly over the Chesapeake Bay area to the North-Northeast.
This crap makes me nervous. I went out yesterday afternoon when I got home from work and cleaned out the culvert that our little brook flows into, just to make sure that it wouldn't back up, but I'm always a bit uneasy when we get four or five inches like this in a short while. We had it back up once and our property had about two feet of water in it and it actually got into our kitchen, which sits on a slab. That was a long time ago, before I did lots of work redirecting the brook and adding some additional drainage to the grounds, but once was enough for me.
I need a smoke, be back later...
That was fast. The skies just opened up, it's coming down buckets...
3:55 PM -
Buckets again and THUNDER!!! The rain is sheeting down the windows. Very scary.
4:22 PM -
I just had to go out and climb up a ladder to clean out the gutters on the front of the house again. Water was cascading over the tops of them and they were starting to sag. Have I ever told you how much I hate spruce trees? The gutters were full of needles. And, the storm drains in the street in front of my house are not quite up to the occasional deluges, there's some heavy duty ponding going on in the street. I went out and checked them and they're clear, just too much water in too short of a time. The yard is staying oddly free of any standing water, though. Maybe the lack of rain during the summer was a good thing, in that respect. The brook is hold it's own, so far. I'll be continuing to check it as time goes on, but it's doing it's job right now.
6:00 PM -
Well, it looks like we're heading into the thick of the center section of Hanna right now, where the eyewall would be if she was a little better organized. This is where the higher winds are going to hit, if she has any steam left. No shortage of rain, though. A really steady hard rain right now, coming straight down. The current radar shows a glob of yellow, orange and red starting about ten miles to the South and extending to Cape May, so this is going to be going on a while. The storm drains are backing up again, the ponding receded after the last downpour, but they're building up. Of course, the assholes driving down the street can't seem to get the idea that you can steer around the ponding, so they're sending up a wall of water into the front yard when they pass. Jerks.
At least it's almost time for dinner; whole wheat spaghetti, with turkey meatballs and homemade sauce. And garlic bread and a green salad and the last bottle of Sam Adam's Octoberfest I've been hording.
Be back later with more.
Dinner was great. The rain is all but stopped and the high winds predicted seem to be happening somewhere else. Unless something crazy happens, I'm just going to end this here and watch a movie. If Hanna's headed your way, good luck.
sow what you will...

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