It was supposed to be dry, sunny and close to sixty today. It's drizzly, cloudy and chilly. No yard work today. I've got to create a new bed out by the brook for some of my daylilies, they're choking themselves to death in their bed right now, but it's not a real nice day for that sort of task, so maybe next weekend. Speaking of the brook, it started to back up on me last weekend after a few heavy rains. After it run across my property, it goes underground into a culvert that runs about two hundred feet under the old railroad property next door and exits about thirty feet from a larger brook, which drains it away to an even bigger brook that ends up in a large lake about four miles away. The exit end of the culvert was fouled, I had to dig it out get things moving again this morning, it seems to be doing the trick, my end of the brook is now running, instead of just sitting there.
I've been doing some research on raised bed gardening, I think I'm going to go that route this year instead of the traditional in the ground beds, lots less work in the long run and high yields, from what my reading tells me. I'm resistant to change like that, but I'm also becoming a fan of working less and getting more. I'm not aging gracefully...
sow what you will...

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