The mfcs Commies in Congress are working toward making small farming operations, organic farms, backyard gardeners, vineyard, small animals raised for food all illegal under this effort...
If this passes, the states will no longer have regulatory powers over any or all food production, no matter how large or small. The Government will have the power to not only confiscate and destroy your backyard produce, but you will forefit your property as a result of a successful prosecution. Welcome to Amerika, Comrades. What was is Lenin said? "If you control the oil, you control the country. If you control the food, you control the people."
Well, any asshole that tries to fuck with me and my garden will get a full dose of my Second Amendment rights before I go down.
Get in touch with your so called representatives in Washington and let them know that this needs to stop, now. Right now.
sow what you will...

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