around Stately Sad Old Goth Manor over the past few days. About a week ago, I cleaned out all the perennial beds, the shrubbery and the new hedges, fed everything and top dressed the beds with some freshly screen composte. Things were starting to look alive then, but, with the little heat wave we just had and the ample rain, things have popped overnight, or so it seems. The Crape Myrtle in the kitchen door bed had nothing on Sunday, today it is full of little leaves. The perennial mums have shot up from little green buds poking up out of the ground to softball size mounds in a matter of a few days. The Iris are sending up tall flower stalks already, the Pink Campion are really perking up, the scarlet Dianthus is already blooming. The yucca and the Hens and Chicks I potted up in the big planter by the back door are all green and full of moisture. The red maple in the side yard is all leafed out. It's amazing. Even the Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia Aurea), that I propogated from a little clump a few years ago, and has all but covered the sunny end of the kitchen door bed has filled out overnight.
I don't know what's gotten into everything, but it's great!
sow what you will...

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